Monday, January 13, 2014

Re-activating the temple activities to suit the need of all sections in the society - 2014

We desire to upkeep the activities of the temple during 2014 in a most suitable manner that suits the need of all sections in the society. The activities which we plan during this year are 1) Re-opening of the Library for the benefit of all people; 2) conducting of medical camps in the temple premises on a regular basis - to commence with - once in month by the specialist doctors in Allopathic and Homeopathic medicines just FREE OF COST to the local people; 3) educative programs to the locals in respect of maintaining neatness on the roads and in the locality, besides vehicle usage on the roads in tune with RTA rules; 4) clothes and utensils distribution program to the poor and the needy at frequent intervals etc. However, several spiritual activities are also taken up since the premises is a Hindu Religious place where several deities are blessing the people. A list of the activities that are taken up are separately mentioned in this blog. The management committee is re-constituted for 2014.

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