Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Development of the Temple

We have been paying attention for the overall development of the temple. In the recent past, Library is updated with more than 3000 books of different kinds; two temples 1) Lord Shiva temple,2) Goddess temple - inside work of refixing polished tiles to the walls has been completed; gardening round the temple with iron fencing is also completed. We propose to complete inside tiles work for the rest of the eight temples; construction of first floor; remodeling of the residential quarters behind the temple - are the work that demands lot of money. Right now, having spent more than a couple of lakhs for the plumber work; water pipe line work and other works aforementioned, we are running tight. As you all know that there is NO REVENUE - not even to the tune of Rs.100 to the temple. Hence the financial burden to run the temple - like payment of salaries, establishment costs, electricity bills, monthly clothing for all the deities, etc are demanding lot of expenses which are basically a must for the temple. It is our desire to distribute pamphlets to all the school children in all the local and surrounding schools with some fundamental material that is needed for the children, with the commencement of the academic year by May 2014. Road rules; loving the country, fellow human beings; respecting elders, women and less fortunate in the society; are some of the educative matters which we have taken up for this academic year. Let us hope that the temple works as a socio-economic reformation center for the society in the days to come. Already we have displayed names of the blood donors and their blood group in the temple so that any needy can directly call the donor and request for the blood donation. Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji and Sow Padmavathy Somidevi

Monday, April 14, 2014

What is that we plan during 2014

I could not update many events of the past years due to many reasons. Now that the available photographs are uploaded, we are aiming for all betterment during 2014. The target is completion of tiles work in the garbhalay for the Shiva Temple and Goddess temple before Shiv Rathri. Garden work to be completed by Sri Ram Navami which falls in April 2014. Tiles works for all the temples to be completed by the end of 2014/ or by sometime during 2015. Library is being updated with as many as 3000 books already donated by me personally to the library that is being maintained for the benefit of local people or visitors. Annadaana is another program anticipated to commence initially for one day in a week. Blood donation campaign; frequent medical check up camps for the rural poor is another activity that is planned. This year we prefer distributing literature consisting of road rules; human behavior and similar such moral aspects to the children in the local schools, besides distribution of pens and pencils being the prasadam of Goddess Saraswathi and this is anticipated during May 2014. Clothes and utensils are arranged for poor people which will be distributed during the Sankata Hara Chartudi time on 19th April 2014. We have all hopes to do our best to the society - as SERVICE TO MANKIND IS NO LESS THAN SERVICE TO GOD. Dr P V Sesha Sai Aswamedhayaaji and family members

2013 year was a land mark in our lives, we performed Dasara Navarathri utsav with more vigor and spirit. Poor feeding was done to our satisfaction. Face lifting of the temple started during this period when the internal roof plastering was completed. All these years it was so ugly, but we could not pay attention due to other priorities. This year it is completed by Dasara festival and we performed a number of Yaagas in the temple this year. Amidst many odds in the family front, we paid all attention and attributed priority to the temple work. We aimed for alround development of the temple in the coming one or two years, though it is an individual task financially. Incidentally we have not been asking any one for support; and it is a fact ; no one would voluntarily shoulder financial responsibilities. We do not know how to achieve this, but surely we are aiming for all betterment and better facilities in the temple during 2014/15. If someone wishes to come forward to support us, we do not hesitate to welcome them.

Temple position during 2012

Finally by 2012 we could able to provide sacred arch for Lord Shri Maha Vishnu in the temple.Lot of brass metal was to be melted and financially it costed us heavily since the hands, keeritam etc were also to be simultaneously provided for the idols. Any way,the journey could reach this level by 2012

Temple position during 2011

This is the photograph taken during Sri Rama Navami festival which we conducted for the Sri Rama Navami during 2011. It has been the practice to offer food on this holy ever since we took up the temple into our hands; besides during Nav Rathri festivals dasara time. Poor feeding is another activity for the temple during Ganesh Utsav for 9 days. This is what best we could do till 2011

Temple position from time to time since 2010

This is the position of the temple during 2010. It is really a difficult task to maintain a temple consisting of 27 deities for which at least 27 x 2 = 54 dresses are needed per month, besides daily nivedan, oil for lamps,maintenance, salary for the priest, electricity bills and cleaning charges etc. This became a tough task for our family. Still we trusted Lord entrusted this work to us to shoulder the responsibility and hence we have to do it. Thus step by step we started building up the temple bearing lot of strain and financial burden. Unfortunately or incidentally it became a single person task for this temple, reasons are not surely known to us. This being the only temple of Lord Saraswati and Lord Brahma together = in this Holy country, it is not known why the temple is not catching up to a break even point.